Social Media and User Experience

Let us know how we’re doing!

As a local business dedicated to bringing you the finest musical products and services in the Collinsville and Edwardsville area, Swing City Music highly values your feedback on and interaction with our various online profiles. Your genuine and honest user reviews on services such as Google+ Local and Yelp! go a long way in helping us provide you, our valued customer, with the very best in customer service and unbeatable value. Is our website hard to navigate? Please let us know by filling out the contact form below. Did we completely blow your mind with our superior customer service? Give us a good review on Google+ Local and Yelp!

Supporting your local businesses is good for you and your community and a little review sure can go a long way! Thank you!

*If using Google+ Local to review our business, you will first need to download the Google+ Local App onto your smartphone or tablet. Simply click on the links below and Google will ask you if you want to download it onto your mobile device if you don’t already have it. It’s free and easy to use! Also, Watch the video on the left for instructions on how to sign up for a free Google+ account.

Collinsville Music Store

Collinsville Location Google+ Local Page healthcare.
Edwardsville Location Google+ Local Page Edwardsville Music Store
Swing City Music Facebook Page Collinsville Music Store
Swing City Music Twitter Profile Collinsville Music Store
Swing City Music Pinterest Pin Boards Collinsville Music Store

Don’t use Google+ or Facebook? No problem! You can leave a review below!

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